Susan's Fiber Shop 2025 Retreat Itinerary

Susan's Fiber Shop Retreat will be held at the Holiday Inn at the American Center Madison, February 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 2025. (Feb 20th participants set up 7:30 PM).

To view the hotel in Google Maps, click here.

To purchase a weekend or day registration, click here.

Click on each instructor's name to learn more about them. Click on each class or demo to register, or RSVP to Susan by phone at 920-623-4237.

Because of allergies - NO Angora in the retreat area. Thank you.


Note, retreat schedule may change based on instructor availability, but this page will be updated if changes occur. If there are supply fees, it will be noted on the itinerary below with a link to register. Registration will also be available at the retreat if a link it not below.

Thursday, February 20th:

4 PM - Hotel Room Check-In

7:30 PM - Participant set up in convention room. Come visit with Susan and Friends.

All Day - Mini Skein Exchange - Shawl 30 yds
               Mini Skein Exchange - Sock 70 yds

Friday, February 21st:

10 AM -  Spinning Cotton with Susan ($35)

11 AM - Thick & Thin Spinning with Susan

10 AM-3 PM - Weaving a Chair Pad/Placemat with Clayton Smith $50 (conf room)

3 PM - Felted Soap with Terri ($5)

3:30 PM - Pin Loom Weaving with Jill ($30)

7 PM - Drop Spindle with Melissa ($5)

Saturday, February 22nd:

All Day - Walk-by Inkle Weaving with Lisa Becker

10 AM to ??  Circular Sock with Kim Montgomery

9 AM - Warping a Rigid Heddle Loom with Jill McLain

10 AM - Combing Wool with Susan

2 PM - Pocket Loom Weaving with Jill McLain ($35)

2:30 PM - Crochet a Granny Square - Ellen Sullivan ($10)

2:30 PM - Drum Carding with Michelle 

3 PM - Locker Hooking with Terri Newburg ($25)

7 PM - Felted Flowers with Susan McFarland ($5)

8 PM - Shawl Pattern Knitting with Sarah Halsted

Sunday, February 23rd:

10 AM - Band Weaving with Jen ($100)

10 AM-3 PM - Weaving a Chair Pad/Placemat with Clayton Smith $50 (conference room)

Susan's Fiber Shop will have shopping set up in the hotel's atrium for you all weekend!

Susan’s Fiber Shop in Columbus will be open for your shopping pleasure during select hours over the weekend. Come on out and meet Max, Mine  and the Teeswaters!